Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Day One

It's difficult to scour the news, blogs, and other sources without wanting to chime in. Whether it's the Plame Name Blame Game and marketing the War in Iraq or Seth Godin's increasingly annoying (remarkably so) postings, there is plenty worth chiming in on, and plenty worth ignoring. The big question is where to begin, and how to make this particular voice in the discussion worthwhile.

Since I have no answer to this big question just now I will take a moment to step back and think about it some more.


Frymaster Speck said...

So much monkey business to discuss, it's hard to know where to start.

Personally, I'm really digging the way that Google is kickin' ass and takin' names. Between Google and Ebay, the basic dot-commie approach to commerce has been proven to be as good or better than traditional, corporate commerce.

The one factor that shows it to be so potent a factor is the way that big business just doesn't know what to do. Here's a hint, corporate USA: watch and learn.

Frymaster Speck said...

Post, post, post, mofo.

And go to my blog and leave a comment. My Blog